Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Education, Again...

The Books
The Books

Blog posts need pictures and I've been adding some as I get them, I'm not much of a photographer. Unfortunalty, Blogger's post form doesn't handle pictures all that well. It presumes you're going to place the pictures one below the other and that is good enough for it. That is not good enough for me. As such I am finding that I need to go and fiddle with html. It's been a while, years, perhaps even five or six years. At some point in those years I think I gave away the beginners book to html I had.

So I suppose I will need to get a new one, or find some equivalent on the web. Same will be true with css and maybe even java script. I'm not certain on that last, I will learn what ever I find myself needing to learn. It is what I do, along with Managing. Something new comes up and I research and learn. In the past it has been knitting, cooking, preserving, building, and some none basic car maintenance. Now it is website building. Next, who knows. I enjoy it, no, love it. Learning new things is like magic. A new level of understanding, a new world to play in.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Coming Together

Things are coming together, fitting in more closely, even the details.  Now it is more a matter of wait and see.  Does this work or that?  Too fussy or not enough pretty?  Content as well, which I am slowly adding as I think of it.  I do have ideas but I won't say what they are incase they don't work out.  Plus, I do have other projects I am working on, like an edging for an afghan that just seems to go forever.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I have spent some time set this all up but it is beginning to come together.  More is to come but this is good and workable.  Mobile doesn't work the way I wish but I can't win them all.  Perhaps in time I will make it work.

Next few addition to the Den will be a Gaming Lounge and a Craft Workroom.